All $1 Lyft trips must start or end within 500 feet of selected streets in St. Louis and St. Louis County – check the area descriptions within North St. Louis County below. You can view other eligible areas here. Then, open your Lyft App and enter code METROCONNECT19. The special $1 cost will automatically be applied on eligible trips.


North County Transit Center – Christian Hospital – Spanish Pond Rd. – National Records Center
Serving areas previously served by #75 Christian Hospital | Click for Map and Details

Trampe Road, between Bellefontaine Road and Larimore Road
Connections with #61 Chambers | Click for Map and Details

Larimore Road, between Trampe Road and Coal Bank Road
Connections with #61 Chambers | Click for Map and Details

Lookaway Drive, to Shepley
Connections with #61 Chambers | Click for Map and Details

Spring Garden Drive, between Shepley and Ben Nevis
Connections with #61 Chambers | Click for Map and Details

Lilac Avenue, between Shepley and Scranton Ave.
Connections with #61 Chambers and Riverview Transit Center | Click for Map and Details

Riverview Drive, between Scranton and Rivertrail Dr.
Connections with #61 Chambers and Riverview Transit Center | Click for Map and Details

Castle Point Neighborhood, parts of Monarch, Hudson, Ainsworth, Vorhof, Landseer
Connections with North County Transit Center | Click for Map and Details

Greenway Chase, between Patterson and New Halls Ferry Rd.
Connections with North County Transit Center, #71, #77 | Click for Map and Details

New Halls Ferry Road, between Patterson and Greenway Chase
Connections with North County Transit Center, #71, #77 | Click for Map and Details

Woodstock, between S. Florissant and Bermuda
Connections with North Hanley Transit Center | Click for Map and Details

Bermuda Ave., between Woodstock and Florissant Rd.
Connections with North Hanley Transit Center | Click for Map and Details

Florissant Road, between Bermuda and University Place
Connections with North Hanley Transit Center | Click for Map and Details

Howdershell Road, from Phantom to Village Square
Connections with #35, #37, #61, #76, #77, #100 | Click for Map and Details


Contact Metro Customer Service if you have any questions or
need assistance with the Lyft program

314.207.9786 (TEXT) |​​​​  314.231.2345 (PHONE)
7 a.m. – 6 p.m. | Monday through Friday

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