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October 29, 2011

Additional Metro Service for Cardinals World Series Parade and Rally

Metro will provide extra MetroLink service so fans can celebrate the Cardinals World Series victory at the official Parade and Rally on Sunday, October 30.
The parade is scheduled to begin at 4 p.m. followed by the World Series Rally at Busch Stadium.

The parade will kick off at 18th and Market, go east on Market to 7th Street, then proceed south on 7th to 8th Street and on to Busch Stadium. Before 2 p.m. on Sunday, MetroLink trains will run every 10 minutes in Downtown St. Louis and every 20 minutes at the stations outside of the downtown area. By 2 p.m., Metro will add Blue Line and Red Line trains to the regularly scheduled trains.

Fans are advised to avoid the Stadium MetroLink Station and take MetroLink to one of the other downtown stations to access the parade route. Those stations are Union Station, Civic Center, 8th and Pine, Convention Center, and Arch-Laclede’s Landing. If the MetroLink platforms are filled with crowds and there is no room to safely allow passengers to get off the train, the doors will not open and the train will move on to the next station. Extra Metro personnel will be at several high volume MetroLink stations to assist customers.

MetroBus Routes Also Affected by Parade

With the Missouri Department of Transportation shutting down several highway exits and the City of St. Louis closing several main downtown streets before and during the parade, MetroBus routes will be detoured around the closures and the Cardinal Nation crowds. Check the Metro website at for the specific routes that will be affected by the parade and rally.

The latest updates on Metro service can be found on the website in the Rider Alert section.
