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August 1, 2019

Call for Entries to the 2019 MetroLines Poetry Contest

Metro Arts in Transit wants to share the work of talented local poets with the tens of thousands of transit riders who travel throughout the St. Louis region each day. Entries are now being accepted for the 2019 MetroLines Poetry Contest, and local poets are invited to submit their original poems for the chance to have them displayed on MetroBus vehicles and MetroLink trains for up to one year.

All poets interested in participating must live within a 50-mile radius of the City of St. Louis. Up to 15 winning poems will be reproduced on posters and displayed on the Metro Transit system.

Each contest winner will receive a copy of the poster featuring their poem and a $200 prize. The winners will also be invited to read their poetry at a reception and ceremony to be held early next year.

All entries must be submitted online through the ‘Opportunities’ page of the Metro Arts in Transit website at Each poet may submit up to three poems with each poem being 15 lines or less, and all work submitted for consideration must be suitable for public display. The deadline to enter MetroLines is 11:59 p.m. on September 30, 2019.

MetroLines is open to both published and non-published work by bi-state residents of all ages, however previously published work must be provided with permission to reproduce. A panel of literary professionals from the St. Louis region will judge the entries.

MetroLines is generously supported by the Missouri Arts Council and the Regional Arts Commission.

About Metro Transit

Metro Transit operates the St. Louis region’s public transportation system which includes 400 clean-burning diesel buses that serve 83 MetroBus routes in eastern Missouri and southwestern Illinois. Metro also operates MetroLink light rail vehicles on 46 miles of track serving 38 stations in the two-state area, and operates Metro Call‑A‑Ride, a paratransit fleet of 122 vans. Metro Transit is a Bi-State Development enterprise.
