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June 7, 2011

Constance Gully Appointed to Metro Board of Commissioners

Dianne Williams
Director of Communications
(314) 982-1440

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon has appointed Constance Gully to Metro’s Board of Commissioners. Mrs. Gully, a resident of Normandy, replaces Commissioner Dr. Richard LaBore, whose term expired. Dr. LaBore joined the Board in 2004.

“I am very pleased that Governor Nixon selected Constance Gully for this very important position on Metro’s Board of Commissioners. She will bring a unique perspective and a strong voice to the management of this critical agency,” said St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley. “I would also like to personally thank Dr. Richard LaBore for nearly seven years of service to the Commission during a very tumultuous time in its history.”

Since 2001, Mrs. Gully has served as the Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs at Harris-Stowe State University. She joined Harris-Stowe State University as Comptroller in 1998. Her current responsibilities include developing and administering Operating and Capital Budgets at the University as well as monitoring maintenance practices, policies and procedures for all departments. She oversees Physical Plant Operations, Accounting, Public Safety, Purchasing and Procurement, Mailroom Services, Facilities Rental, Transportation and Switchboard Operations. Mrs. Gully led the Campus Expansion Committee which oversaw the planning and construction of Gillespie Residence Hall and the Early Childhood and Parent Education Center.

Mrs. Gully serves on the St. Louis Zoo Friends Association Board of Directors, and is a member of the Board of Directors for Charitable Women’s Club Incorporated. She is also the new chairperson of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. State Celebration Commission. Metro President and CEO John Nations said, “We are very pleased to welcome Mrs. Gully to the Metro Board of Commissioners, and look forward to the Agency and the region benefiting from her experience and expertise.”

Metro’s 10-member Board provides overall leadership and policy direction for the Agency, and is comprised of five members from Illinois and five members from Missouri. In Missouri, the Governor selects members of the Board. In Illinois, County Board Chairmen for both St. Clair and Madison Counties appoint their representatives. Members of the Board serve their terms without compensation and must be a resident voter of their state, as well as reside within the bi-state metropolitan region. Mrs. Gully’s current term runs to November 11, 2013.
