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November 27, 2019

Enjoy the Music of the Holiday Season at Six Transit Locations This December

Metro Transit is ringing in the holiday season by featuring music from local caroling groups and musicians at six Metro Transit Center locations in December. Riders can enjoy the sounds of the season at any of the free, 60-minute concerts, which will all begin at 5 p.m. on the scheduled performance dates below:

Monday, December 2  |  5-6 p.m.
5th & Missouri Transit Center
150 N. 6th Street
East St. Louis, IL  62201
Celia’s Yuletide Express

Friday, December 6  |  5-6 p.m.
Shrewsbury-Lansdowne I-44 Transit Center
7201 Lansdowne Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63119
St. Louis Christmas Carols Association

Monday, December 9 |  5-6 p.m.
Fairview Heights Transit Center
9720 W. Route 161
Fairview Heights, IL  62208
Celia’s Yuletide Express

Monday, December 16 |  5-6 p.m.
North County Transit Center
3140 Pershall Road
Ferguson, MO  63136
Celia’s Yuletide Express

Thursday, December 19 |  5-6 p.m.
Civic Center Transit Center
401 S. 14th Street
St. Louis, MO 63103
Caroling St. Louis

Friday, December 20 |  5-6 p.m.
North Hanley Transit Center
4300 Hanley Road
St. Louis, MO  63134
Temple Church of Christ of the Apostolic Faith Choir

About Metro Transit
Metro Transit operates the St. Louis region’s public transportation system which includes 400 clean-burning diesel buses that serve 77 MetroBus routes in eastern Missouri and southwestern Illinois. Metro also operates MetroLink light rail vehicles on 46 miles of track serving 38 stations in the two-state area, and operates Metro Call‑A‑Ride, a paratransit fleet of 122 vans. Metro Transit is a Bi-State Development enterprise.
