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January 10, 2025

Metro Call-A-Ride to Implement New Scheduling and Dispatching Software Next Week

Metro Call‑A‑Ride will transition to a new scheduling and dispatching software program called Spare on Monday, January 13. This important software update is part of Metro Transit’s commitment to further improve transit services for customers with disabilities who use Call‑A‑Ride (ADA paratransit service) in the St. Louis region. The new software will make it easier for Call‑A‑Ride customers to schedule their trips. Call‑A‑Ride has been testing the new software program and equipment since November with team members and a small group of customers.

Customers calling to schedule Call‑A‑Ride trips may notice the Call Center team will be asking them a few additional questions as the reservations agents utilize the new software system. Customers taking trips will notice some differences as well, with all vans and drivers using the new equipment and software.

Next month the project will move into the Call‑A‑Ride customer experience phase. That’s when customers will begin using new state-of-the-art rider communication tools such as automated text messages and phone calls confirming a scheduled Call‑A‑Ride trip. This phase includes the introduction of a customer smart phone application and web-based portal to schedule and manage their trips, as well as real-time Call‑A‑Ride vehicle location updates. To prepare customers to use the features in the next phase of the project, Call‑A‑Ride will be sharing information and providing opportunities to learn how to use the new tools. More information will be share about that when plans are finalized.

“Our promise and focus is to make public transit easier and more reliable for the residents who count on us. These improvements will give our Metro Call‑A‑Ride customers more control over their day and will help ensure their paratransit experience is smooth and more reliable. That is a key factor in helping older adults and individuals who have disabilities live independent lifestyles,” said Charles Stewart, Metro Transit Chief Operating Officer.

Metro Transit has made numerous improvements to its ADA paratransit services over the past two years in order to provide more reliable trips in the City of St. Louis and in St. Louis County where Call‑A‑Ride is operated in tandem with MetroBus service.
