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June 9, 2010

Metro Celebrates National Dump the Pump Day with Prizes and Surprises for Transit Users

Take MetroLink or MetroBus, ride a bike, or walk. Whatever alternative means of transportation you choose on June 17, you can join Metro and other transit agencies nationwide for the fifth annual Dump the Pump Day by parking your fossil-fuel burning vehicle for the day.

Sponsored by the American Public Transit Association (APTA), Dump the Pump Day is designed to focus on conserving fuel, reducing the environmental impact of everyday commuting, and reducing America’s dependence on foreign oil by finding alternatives to the use of personal vehicles.

With the economy still in the grip of the recession and the massive oil leak continuing in the Gulf of Mexico, Dump the Pump Day presents a great opportunity for commuters to try transit and see how this environmentally-friendly alternative can be an economical and convenient transportation option.

To encourage St. Louis area commuters to Dump the Pump, Metro, together with community partners Citizens for Modern Transit, Trailnet and Great Rivers Greenway, are offering chances to win great prizes including:

• Bicycle helmets
• Metro 10-Ride ticket booklets
• Forest Park Shuttle tickets
• T-shirts and other promotional items

Entries will be accepted through Monday, June 28. Prizes will be awarded July 6.
Locations to obtain entry forms for the Metro Dump the Pump prize giveaway are:

• Metro’s website – www.metrostlouis.org
• Metro Headquarters – 707 N. 1st Street, St. Louis
• MetroRide Center – 7th & Washington, inside America’s Center, St. Louis
• Great Rivers Greenway – 6174 A Delmar Blvd., St. Louis
• Trailnet – 1533 Washington Avenue, St. Louis

Commuters choosing public transit on June 17 may also be greeted and thanked personally by members of Metro’s leadership team, employee volunteers, and even cheerleaders from North East Middle School in St. Louis.

“We hope people who observe Dump the Pump Day by using Metro Transit will see how convenient and affordable it is and decide to choose us on a regular basis,” said Metro President and CEO, Bob Baer. “Dump the Pump Day is the perfect opportunity to find out how beneficial transit can be to take to work, to a Cardinals game, to Fair St. Louis, or to many other events and destinations.”

Baer also noted that statistics compiled by APTA make a strong case for using transit. According to APTA:

• Each year, the use of public transit in the U.S. saves 4.2 billion gallons of gasoline by eliminating the need for 900,000 automobile fill-ups each day.
• Commuters who switch to public transit can reduce the carbon emissions of their personal vehicles by 20 pounds a day, or 4,800 pounds a year.
• In addition to helping save the environment, families that use public transit and live with one car can save an average of $9,000 a year.
• For every $1 invested in public transportation infrastructure, $4 is generated in economic returns to communities.
