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May 4, 2017

Metro Job Expo at North County Transit Center on May 17

Bi-state area residents who are looking for jobs or are thinking about changing careers are invited to come to the North County Transit Center in Ferguson on Wednesday, May 17, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. to explore employment opportunities at the Metro Links2Life Job Expo. Metro transit riders and others will be able to interact with potential employers, make new contacts, learn about job training opportunities and network with local businesses and groups.

Nine MetroBus routes serve the North County Transit Center, and all of the businesses and organizations represented at the Job Expo are accessible by Metro transit. Every day, thousands of area workers in the St. Louis region rely on Metro to connect them to work, to school and to other important destinations.

The Job Expo is free and open to anyone in the community. Organizations participating in the Job Expo on May 17 include:

  • Hollywood Casino
  • LGC Hospitality
  • Metro transit
  • Bi-State Development
  • SCI Engineering
  • Shop N Save
  • STL Workforce Centers
  • VOLT Workforce Solutions

As part of the Links2Life program, Metro plans to host other free fairs and events at select transit locations around the area to help the community link with local businesses, schools and resources. For more information about the program, visit

About Metro

Metro is the operator of the St. Louis region’s public transportation system, which includes the 87 vehicle, 46-mile MetroLink light rail system; approximately 400 vehicle MetroBus fleet that operates on 79 MetroBus routes in Missouri and Illinois; and Metro Call‑A‑Ride, a paratransit fleet of 122 vans. Metro is an enterprise of Bi-State Development (BSD), which also owns and operates St. Louis Downtown Airport, the Bi-State Development Research Institute, the Gateway Arch Riverboats, and operates the Gateway Arch Trams and Revenue Collections Center. BSD also operates the St. Louis Regional Freightway.
