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July 15, 2019

MetroLink Elevator Rehabilitation Begins July 22

Metro Transit will repair and restore elevators at three MetroLink stations in and near downtown St. Louis beginning on Monday, July 22. To accommodate this rehabilitation work, each of the three elevators will need to be out of service for approximately five months.

The first elevator scheduled to go out of service for rehabilitation is the eastbound elevator at the 8th & Pine MetroLink Station on July 22. That will be followed by work beginning on the eastbound elevator at the East Riverfront MetroLink Station on July 29 and on the westbound elevator at the Convention Center MetroLink Station on August 19.

“This rehabilitation work will ensure that we can continue to provide safe and reliable service for our customers,” said Jessica Mefford-Miller, Executive Director of Metro Transit. “These elevators have been part of the MetroLink system since the beginning and are now more than 25 years old. With these improvements, we will be able to extend their operational lives so they can continue to serve customers for another 25 years.”

For customers who require elevators to use the MetroLink system, here are suggestions to best navigate the system during these elevator outages:

  • Please allow extra time for your commute during the rehabilitation project
  • Consider using alternative MetroLink stations
  • If you end your trip at MetroLink station with an elevator outage, do not exit the train at the station. Instead continue to the next MetroLink station with a center platform, cross the platform to board a train traveling back to your destination, and use the working elevator to complete your trip.
    • For 8th & Pine Station, continue your trip eastbound to the Laclede’s Landing Station, cross the platform and catch a westbound train to reach the working elevator at 8th & Pine Station.
    • For East Riverfront, continue your trip eastbound to the 5th & Missouri Station, cross the platform and catch a westbound train to reach the working elevator at East Riverfront Station.
    • For Convention Center Station, continue your trip westbound to the Civic Center Station, cross the platform and catch an eastbound train to reach the working elevator at Convention Center Station.
  • If you need to start your trip at a MetroLink station with an elevator outage, use the working elevator and board a MetroLink train headed in the opposite direction of your trip. Continue to the next MetroLink station with a center platform, and cross the platform to board a train traveling to your destination.
    • To head eastbound from 8th & Pine Station, use the working westbound elevator to catch a westbound train and head to Civic Center Station. Cross the platform to catch an eastbound train to complete your trip.
    • To head eastbound from East Riverfront Station, use the working westbound elevator to catch a westbound train and head to Laclede’s Landing Station. Cross the platform to catch an eastbound train to complete your trip.
    • To head westbound from Convention Center Station, use the working eastbound elevator to catch an eastbound train and head to Laclede’s Landing Station. Cross the platform to catch a westbound train to complete your trip.

For additional information or assistance, contact Metro Transit Information at 314-231-2345 (phone) or 314-207-9786 (text), available Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Customers can also use the Passenger Assist Telephones, which are located at all MetroLink stations, for assistance.

About Metro Transit

Metro Transit operates the St. Louis region’s public transportation system which includes 400 clean-burning diesel buses that serve 83 MetroBus routes in eastern Missouri and southwestern Illinois. Metro also operates MetroLink light rail vehicles on 46 miles of track serving 38 stations in the two-state area, and operates Metro Call‑A‑Ride, a paratransit fleet of 122 vans. Metro Transit is a Bi-State Development enterprise.
