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October 31, 2011

MetroLink Operations Modified for Construction Work Every Night This Week and This Weekend

Dianne Williams
Director of Communications

MetroLink work continues evenings this week. To accommodate crews working on the rail line, Metro will operate trains on a single track starting at 8 p.m. every evening from Monday, October 31 to Sunday, November 6.

Service Details
Red Line trains will operate on a single track at the East Riverfront MetroLink Station. Signs at the platform entrances will indicate which platform is in use. Blue Line trains will only operate from Shrewsbury to the Civic Center MetroLink Station. In Missouri, eastbound Blue Line passengers will need to transfer to a Red Line train at the Civic Center MetroLink Station. Westbound Blue Line passengers in Illinois will need to catch a Red Line train to travel between the Fairview Heights and Civic Center MetroLink Station and then return to a Blue Line train at Civic Center. Blue Line passengers should allow an extra 10 minutes for their commutes these evenings. Red Line customers should not experience a delay.

In addition, there will be a single track operation at the East Riverfront MetroLink Station will be in effect during the mornings on Saturday and Sunday (November 5 & 6), from beginning of service until 8 a.m. During those early mornings, Red Line trains will operate on a single track at the East Riverfront MetroLink Station. Customers should look for signage at the platform entrances to see which platform is in use. Blue Line trains will only operate from Shrewsbury to the Civic Center MetroLink Stations. Blue Line passengers should allow an extra 10 minutes for their commutes before 8 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Red Line customers should not see any construction-related delays.

Updates on MetroLink operations can be found online in the Rider Alert section or by calling Customer Service at 314-241-2345 or 618-271-2345 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
