ALERT: Metro Service Change on Monday, March 17 | Changes to 17 MetroBus Routes Read More!
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May 6, 2024

On-Site Interviews & Instant Job Offers Available at Metro Hiring Event on May 11

Metro Transit customers and the general public are invited to get the latest
transit updates at four Community Connect events scheduled this month. The focus of the three in-person and one virtual event this month are the June Quarterly Service Change as well as an update on transit accessibility improvements. Community Connect events provide a platform for transit customers and the community to interact directly with the Metro Transit team and be an active part of the conversation about public transit in the bi-state region. Participants will be able to learn about the latest transit news and updates to the transit system, ask questions, and share their insights and feedback to help improve their transit and paratransit experiences.

Tuesday, May 21 | 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 22 | 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Urban League Ferguson Community Empowerment Center Cherokee Center
9420 West Florissant Ave., St. Louis, MO 63136 3200 S. Jefferson, St. Louis, MO 63118

Wednesday, May 29 | 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. Thursday, May 30 | 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Deaconess Center for Child Well Being Virtual (ZOOM)
1000 N. Vandeventer Ave., St. Louis, MO 63113

Last month’s community engagement open houses were primarily focused on ADA issues including gathering feedback on changes under consideration to the Metro Call‑A‑Ride reservation windows. The decision on there servation change option will be communicated at either the May or June Community Connect open houses and through other communications. The status of Call‑A‑Ride improvements will be one of the topics at the
May event as well as the June Service Change that will go into effect on June 17. The final schedules and details for the June Service Change are still being finalized, but it will include modifications to more than 20 MetroBus routes. These changes will improve service frequency on more than a dozen MetroBus routes andwill add evening MetroBus service on several routes operating in North St. Louis County.

For more information about Community Connect events, please visit
