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June 17, 2024

Euclid Entrance to Central West End Station to Temporarily Close on June 22

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The Euclid Avenue entrance to the Central West End MetroLink Station will be temporarily closed all day on Saturday, June 22, from the beginning of service to end of service, due to construction work on Euclid near the station entrance. You will not be able to use the elevator and staircase located on the west end of the Central West End Station on June 22.

During this temporary closure on Saturday, if you need to travel between MetroLink and Euclid Avenue, you will need to detour along Children’s Place and the accessible walkway that connects to the east entrance to the Central West End Station platform.

Map showing detour around closure to west entrance at CWE station, detour north on Euclid, east on Childrens Place, southwest through MetroBus Center to CWE Station platform

MetroLink service will not be impacted by the Euclid Avenue construction work, and trains will operate on their normal weekend schedule at the Central West End Station. If you have questions , please contact Metro Transit Information by phone at 314.231.2345 or by text at 314.207.0786, Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Rider Alert

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