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September 8, 2017

Flashback Friday

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Were you able to guess when this week’s Flashback Friday photo was taken?

This early-1960s promo shot of Forest Park’s “Park Loop Bus” was taken at Kingshighway and Lindell. The buildings across the street are the Chase Hotel and Park Plaza.

Boarding the bus was Mr. Moke, The “World’s Only Talking Chimpanzee,” and his trainer Mike Kostial of the St. Louis Zoo.

Mr. Moke was the star of a popular St. Louis Zoo show during the early 1960s, where he would make sounds that resembled “Mama”, “no” and “goodbye”. Mr. Moke, who once did the Sullivan Show, also could write “Mama” on a blackboard. When his trainer, Mike Kostial, asked him if he loved Papa, Mr. Moke would say, “No,” and shake his head.

Let Metro do the driving this weekend at LouFest! Take the LouFest Shuttle!
