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September 26, 2023

Metro Transit to Test Single-Car MetroLink Train Service Starting in October

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Single car MetroLink train.

Updated 9/29: Added new details on how single-car service will operate.

MetroLink service will look different starting on Monday, October 2, as Metro Transit launches a pilot program to put some single-car trains into daily service instead of the two-car trains that MetroLink typically operates. Metro Transit will evaluate the flexibility and resource usage of single-car train service and see how it may be applied to improve transit service for customers.

“The pandemic has changed our region in a number of ways, including how people travel and how they use transit,” said Charles Stewart, Chief Operating Officer of Metro Transit. “We’ll be testing single-car service this fall to see if more flexibility on MetroLink makes better use of our workforce resources and provides opportunities to try out new innovative options that may better serve the changing travel patterns of our MetroLink riders.”

During the pilot period:

  • Some single-car trains will replace two-car trains on both the Red Line and Blue Line, seven days a week.
  • Two-car trains will be in service for trips with higher ridership, including during morning and evening rush hours and during any local special events (e.g., sporting events, concerts).
  • Single-car trains will be used during the weekends and on holidays where there are no planned special events.
  • MetroLink Operations will constantly monitor service during the pilot period and will make adjustments as needed.

Operating single-car MetroLink trains provides some advantages, including:

  • One MetroLink train car is more efficient for security to patrol.
  • Wear and tear on the machinery is reduced in half.
  • Service can be provided more efficiently at current ridership levels.

During single-car MetroLink service, customers are reminded that trains will pull completely forward to the front end of the platform. Please be prepared to board and exit the train from the front car area near the operator. Customers who need assistance or who have questions should contact Metro Transit Information at 314.231.2345 (phone) or 314.207.9786 (text) from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday.

16 thoughts on “Metro Transit to Test Single-Car MetroLink Train Service Starting in October”

  1. Pivoting to single-car operation to increase frequency would be beneficial, but unfortunately it’s not what’s happening here. Instead, this is a cost-cutting measure at the expense of the riders. Trains tend to get pretty crowded on game days and during rush hours. Please consider at least running double-car trains during those times.

  2. How is “service being provided more efficiently” by this change if labor and headways are unchanged?

  3. If this is going to happen when St. Louis City has a game we will go back to driving. It is SRO after the games with two cars, one car will be a mess.

  4. Metrolink cars are standing room only during rush hour. Prior attempts to run single cars during the pandemic went poorly for this very reason. Ridership is higher now than it was then. This proposal is unsafe and untenable.

    Maybe Metrolink could focus on restoring two-track service at Forest Park. We have been single-tracking for more than a year after the 2022 flood.

  5. There is an increase in COVID infections, and the flu season is starting. Crowding riders into single cars will put riders closer together increasing the chance of virus transmission from one rider to another. This is a really good idea!?!

  6. It really is stupid and very crowded. You can’t hardly enter the train today. I think you will lose customers.

  7. Metro did not like my comment about crowding people together when COVID is accelerating and the flu season is starting. They took it down.
    It is unfortunate that a person can make a legitimate observation, when comments are requested, but the comment is deleted because it is not in favor of the action taken by Metro.

  8. Rider comfort is greatly diminished when everyone has to cram into a single car for what feels like minimal cost savings and no improvement in service / frequently. I hope this change to si flew cars is not permanent.

  9. Trains have been consistently over crowded as early as 6:00 a.m. Boarding and unloading is difficult as there are too many people to try to get through and blocking doors. This has been an awful change.

  10. When will this awful pilot program end? You’ve seen all the comments/issues from your riders, its been almost a month, and it’s obviously not ideal for your riders. It would be nice for us all to get an update about how long we can expect this craziness.

  11. Riding the single slave ship trains is absolutely ridiculous. The idiot who came up with this idea should be fired! Nobody wants to start or end their work day crammed together like sardines. Maybe Japan and India can tolerate this foolishness, but this is America!

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