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May 23, 2022

Mobile Health Screenings Come to 4 Metro Transit Centers Starting May 24

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Image showing a Betty Jean Kerr People’s Health Centers Mobile Health Screening van at a Metro Transit CenterMetro Transit riders, visitors and nearby residents will have access to free monthly mobile health screening services at four Metro Transit Center locations in St. Louis City and St. Louis County starting Tuesday, May 24. The Betty Jean Kerr People’s Health Centers Mobile Health Screening Van will provide free blood pressure screenings, COVID-19 testing and other basic health assessments.

The mobile screening van will visit four designated Metro Transit Centers on the Tuesdays listed below from 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Betty Jean Kerr People’s Health Centers Mobile Health Screening Unit

The mobile health services are free, with no insurance, payment or copay required. Adults 18 years of age and older can stop by the van during operating hours with no appointment necessary. In addition to providing blood pressure screenings and other health needs assessments at no charge, adults will also be provided with assistance in applying for health insurance and options for follow-up care at area community health centers.