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August 18, 2022

Modified MetroLink Single Track Service Begins Monday, August 22

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NOTE: New changes to MetroLink service go into effect on Monday, September 5. Click here for more details. 

A MetroLink train approaches the Shewsbury-Lansdowne I-44 station. the operator can be seen through the windshield.

Due to the unprecedented rainfall that led to significant flood damage on July 26, MetroLink service was severely disrupted. In the days following this historic event, Metro Transit teams were able to restore disrupted Red Line service, followed by partial Blue Line service.

Beginning Monday, August 22, Blue Line service will be restored throughout the system with the following operations:

  • All Blue Line stations will be serviced by MetroLink trains. Station shuttles will no longer be needed to transfer between the Red Line and Blue Line.
  • All Blue Line and Red Line MetroLink trains will operate on a weekend schedule with 20-minute frequency.
  • You may experience delays due to speed restrictions and modified operations. Please plan extra time for your trips.
    • Blue Line riders should plan for 10-minute delays between Forest Park-DeBaliviere and the University City-Big Bend Stations.
    • Red Line riders should anticipate 10-minute delays between the Delmar Loop and Forest Park-DeBaliviere Stations.
  • The elevators at the Forest Park-DeBaliviere MetroLink Station are out of service indefinitely. If your trip begins or ends at this station and you are unable to use the stairs, call 314.982.1400 x4870 (Monday-Friday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.) or 314.289.6872 (after hours)

These modified operations will be in effect until further notice.

New Boarding Instructions

Skinker and University City-Big Bend MetroLink Stations (Blue Line)

  • All eastbound and westbound trains will board on the eastbound platform

Forest Park-DeBaliviere MetroLink Station (Blue Line and Red Line)

  • All eastbound and westbound Blue Line trains will board on the eastbound side of platform (facing the wall art mural)
  • All eastbound and westbound Red Line trains will board on the westbound side of platform
  • No Elevator Access. If your trip begins or ends at this station and you are unable to use the stairs, call 314.982.1400 x4870 (Monday-Friday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.) or 314.289.6872 (after hours)

The majority of the flood damage is concentrated on a 2-mile section of MetroLink between the Forest Park-DeBaliviere Station and the Delmar Loop Station. Full restoration of MetroLink service that includes a return to regular weekday schedules will take some time due to the total and partial loss of critical operating facilities. We appreciate your patience as our teams continue to restore service and keep the region moving.

For questions or assistance, please contact Metro Transit Information,
available Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. at
314.231.2345 (phone) or 314.207.9786 (text).

For information on current transit service, visit our MetroLink Special Operations page.

System Changes

4 thoughts on “Modified MetroLink Single Track Service Begins Monday, August 22”

  1. This post does not specifically say it, so I ask if the Blue line will be running all the way to Fairview Heights, or just to Forest Park?

  2. Amen to that–thank you to all those hard-working crews for restoring service and operators who kept the trains running.
    Can you please make blue line schedules available again for all stations? Right now those around CWE still show only red line weekend timetables on the website. Thank you.

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