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June 6, 2018

Passenger Profile: Mike

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Passengers like Mike depend on Metro Transit to get to work, school and other important destinations. We hope you enjoy his story, and we’re interested in your transit story too. Email, and we may share your story in a future “Passenger Profile.”


When Washington University started its East End Transformation Project — transforming 18 acres of its Danforth Campus into new facilities and green space — Mike didn’t see the construction project as an annoyance. He saw it as an opportunity – his chance to start taking advantage of Metro Transit and making MetroLink a part of his daily commute.

Mike is a Laura & William Jens Professor at Washington University’s Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering. To get to work each day, Mike either drives or carpools to the Shrewsbury-Lansdowne I-44 MetroLink Station. From there, he rides a Blue Line MetroLink train to the Skinker MetroLink Station, where its a short walk to campus.

“When they started construction on the Washington University campus, it was impossible to park there,” Mike said. “MetroLink became the best option. It stops essentially under my building.”

Since Mike works at Washington University, he’s able to take advantage of the U-Pass program, which allows Washington University students, staff and faculty to ride Metro Transit free of charge.

It’s a benefit that allows him to get around town for more than just work. And for Mike and his family, the availability and reliability of Metro Transit is a large reason why they are able to live with just one car.

“The trains, for the most part, are on schedule,” he said. “That makes it very convenient for me.”

Metro Lifestyle