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November 15, 2017

Passenger Profile: Rebecca

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Passengers like Rebecca depend on Metro transit to get to work, school and other important destinations. We hope you enjoy her story, and we’re interested in your transit story too. Email, and we may share your story in a future “Passenger Profile.” 

Rebecca uses the MetroLink light rail system to maximize her productivity during the work week.

In order to get her gears running, Rebecca boards a Red Line train at the Swansea MetroLink Station and rides the train to the Fairview Heights MetroLink Station. From there, she transfers to a Blue Line train and rides to the Danforth campus of Washington University, where she works as a research administrator.

She chooses Metro for a few reasons that are common to a lot of Metro passengers.

“I don’t like the drive over the bridge,” she said. “I also don’t like traffic, and it saves me money.”

But, Rebecca also chooses the train to get a head start on her day as well.

“I’ve learned to work on the train,” she said. “I’ve already started working when I get on the train in the morning.”

Since Rebecca is an employee of Washington University, she’s able to ride free of charge. As one of their benefits, Washington University provides transit fare to its students, staff and faculty.

Rebecca also uses MetroLink to get to and from the other campuses of Washington University.

“I need to travel between campuses often, so I use MetroLink to get to my office, the medical campus in the Central West End or to the north campus near the Delmar Loop MetroLink Station,” she said. “We use the trains a lot just to go between campuses during the workday.”

Metro Lifestyle