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September 23, 2024

Rail Safety Week 2024—Stay Safe Near Tracks

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Rail Safety Week is here, and this annual event serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of being cautious and staying safe when you’re near trains, tracks or stations. By following safety guidelines and taking extra care, you can ensure your well-being and avoid a senseless tragedy.

Your safety is our top priority at Metro Transit, especially for customers using the MetroLink light rail system. Here are some essential rail safety rules you should always follow to ensure your MetroLink trips are comfortable and safe.

1. Stand Behind the Yellow Line

When waiting for your train:

  • Always stand behind the yellow line on the platform.
  • This line is there to keep you at a safe distance from approaching and departing trains.

2. Be Mindful of the Gap

  • Be mindful of the gap between the train and the platform edge.
  • Take care to avoid tripping.

3. Never Enter or Exit a Moving Train

Safety always comes first:

  • NEVER attempt to enter or exit a train that is in motion.
  • Wait for the train to come to a complete stop before boarding or alighting.

4. Listen to Announcements

Stay informed:

  • Pay attention to onboard announcements.
  • Follow instructions given by the train staff, especially in case of emergencies.

5. Know Your Emergency Exits

Be prepared:

  • Be aware of the emergency exit locations on the train and the platform.
  • Familiarize yourself with the emergency procedures.

6. Do Not Distract Your Operator

Respect their focus:

  • Do not distract Metro Transit operators; their attention is crucial for everyone’s safety.
  • Make sure you are visible and easy to see whenever you are crossing tracks.


For more information about rail safety, visit Operation Lifesaver.

Metro Lifestyle

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