ALERT: Blue Line MetroLink Trains Resume Service to Emerson Park Station Starting Monday, February 24 Read More!
January 30, 2024

Transit App: Your One-Stop for Real-Time Transit Information

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As we have seen with recent Winter weather in the region, transit delays, detours and cancellations can show up for MetroBus and MetroLink at any time. We know it’s important you have the latest information available at the time you need it. That’s why we encourage customers who frequently use Metro Transit to download the Transit app to their mobile device.

Transit app is an all-in-one resource with all of the features you need, including:

  • Trip Planning
  • Purchase your MetroBus or MetroLink fare
  • See the real-time location of your bus
  • Get Rider Alerts sent directly to your phone

With Transit, you can subscribe to Rider Alerts for MetroLink or your specific MetroBus routes. On the main screen, simply select the train or bus routes you ride and click the ‘Pin’ icon to pin it and sign up for alerts. You will receive push notifications of any Rider Alerts direct to your mobile device only for the routes you selected — so you can immediately know if your bus or train are having any issues.

Transit App is available free for both Android and iOS users. Download it today!

Ending Rider Alerts on Metro Transit Facebook

Starting this February, real-time Rider Alerts will no longer be shared on the Metro Transit Facebook page, including unplanned MetroLink and MetroBus delays or service interruptions. These alerts will continue to be available on Metro Transit’s Twitter/X account (@STLMetro), on the Rider Alerts page of this website, and on the Transit app.

Over the past several months, we have noticed there can be unintended confusion with alerts posted on Facebook due to how their algorithm works. Oftentimes, Rider Alerts on Facebook will show up in transit customers’ feeds days after the event, instead of when it occurred, creating situations where customers think their bus is delayed or their train is out of service – when it isn’t. We will no longer post real-time alerts on Facebook to help eliminate any confusion.

We will continue to use the Metro Transit Facebook page to post about scheduled transit projects, service changes, planned construction and single-tracking operations, and other scheduled work on the system.


Metro Lifestyle

2 thoughts on “Transit App: Your One-Stop for Real-Time Transit Information”

  1. Greetings,

    Thank you for deploying this app! It has made my trip planning easier than ever. I love being able to see how full the bus is and how many stops away it is. It is developed well. As a consumer, may I request adding the capability to pay with Apple/Android pay? I am not sure how many riders keep their credit card or debit card information in their electronic wallet, but it has been a convenience to use my electronic card that is stored on my phone versus having to enter it manually. Just a thought from a consumer.

    Apple has an article about the security of Apple Pay that I will link in the website section of the contact form. Thank you for reading.

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