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January 26, 2021

Via Metro STL Free Trial Ends February 1

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Via Metro STL vehicleYou can still try Via Metro STL this week for free, and starting Monday, February 1, standard pricing will be $2 a ride, or $3 a ride with a transfer from Via Metro STL to MetroBus or MetroLink.

Via Metro STL launched in June 2020 in Southwest St. Louis County (Valley Park and Fenton areas) and North St. Louis County to pilot a new microtransit service designed to extend access to transit. With Via Metro STL, you can hail a vehicle in real time – either by calling or using the Via app on their mobile devices – and travel to any location within the service area during operating hours.

A single ride between points within each service zone will be $2. You can also combine Via Metro STL with your MetroBus or MetroLink commute and pay $3 for a Two-Hour Transfer Pass.

Transfer from Via Metro STL to Metro Transit

When requesting a ride, select the $3 transfer option and pay through your Via account. You will then receive a valid Two-Hour Transfer Pass in your Via app inbox or SMS text, which can be used on MetroBus or MetroLink by displaying the pass to the MetroBus operator or MetroLink fare inspector.

Transfer from Metro Transit to Via Metro STL

Before scheduling a ride on Via Metro STL, you should select ‘Metro STL Transfer Ticket’ in the Payment Methods page of the Via app, and then display a valid Metro Weekly Pass, Monthly Pass, or a Mobile Two-Hour Pass available on the Transit app. If you are transferring from MetroBus to Via Metro STL with a $1 one-ride ticket, you will need to pay the $2 standard price for your Via trip.

After the first six months of the Via Metro STL pilot, more than 12,000 total rides have been completed in the two zones of St. Louis County. The service has grown, and today carries an average of 100 daily weekday rides, with more than 500 unique customers having booked rides to date.

For more information about Via Metro STL visit

For questions or assistance, please call 636.251.3328 or email