ALERT: Metro Service Change on Monday, March 17 | Changes to 17 MetroBus Routes Read More!
  • Track Lubricator Replacement

    Replacement of track lubricators at 10 locations along the MetroLink alignment in Illinois. Track lubricators provide lubricants to rail heads to help protect critical track sections and reduce wear and noise.
  • Parkway Interlocking Crossover

    Construction of a new track crossover at the existing Parkway interlocking, located west of the Forest Park-DeBaliviere Station on the MetroLink Blue Line. This crossover is needed to ensure service reliability during maintenance and project work.
  • Richmond Heights Turnout

    Construction of a new rail turnout near the Richmond Heights MetroLink Station to provide storage track for construction and maintenance vehicles and equipment. The new turnout is needed to ensure service reliability during maintenance work.
  • Substation-Feeder Wire Replacement

    Project replaces substation feeder wires that power the MetroLink light rail system. The feeder wires from assigned substations supply power to the contact wires for MetroLink trains. Deterioration has occurred over the years due to rainwater leaking into the conduits at two Missouri substations. New feeder wire and conduits will be installed in concrete duct […]
  • Curved Track Rehabilitation

    Maintenance and replacement of the special restraining rails used along curved sections of the light rail system that help ensure train stability through curves at Civic Center and 5th & Missouri Stations.
  • New Track/Rail Communication Infrastructure

    This effort is a combination of smaller projects intended to upgrade and strengthen MetroLink train and rail communications to make them more reliable and resilient. This includes the installation of new communications buildings at Forest Park-DeBaliviere and Delmar Loop MetroLink Stations, and a new Signal House, responsible for coordinating train movement, near Forest Park Parkway.