ALERT: Metro Service Change on Monday, March 17 | Changes to 17 MetroBus Routes Read More!
Metro Transit helps area students navigate to and from class with ease. Students at participating colleges and universities are eligible for special passes that allow them unlimited use of the Metro Transit system for a low rate.

MetroBus | How to Ride Guide


MetroBus – How to Ride Flyer

Student Semester Pass

Full-time students with a valid Student ID who attend a college or university within the Metro service area are eligible to purchase a Metro Student Semester Pass for only $175.00. The Student Semester Pass provides full-time college students with unlimited rides on MetroBus and MetroLink.

Proof of full-time status (minimum 12 credit hours) is required; a current schedule must also be presented to receive a pass.

The MetroStore is located at 8th and Pine in downtown St. Louis near the 8th and Pine MetroLink Station. For more information, please call the MetroStore at 314-982-1495, available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Metro U-Pass

Live, study, and play using the Metro U-Pass with unlimited rides on MetroBus and MetroLink. Five regional colleges and universities offer a customized Metro University transit pass (U-Pass). Qualifications for students and faculty are established by the participating college/university and the school pays for all or part of the transit pass.

Participating schools and links to more information to get your pass are listed below:

Metro continues to explore partnerships with other colleges and universities who are interested in providing enhanced mobility to students.

For more information about Metro student fares and the U-Pass program, contact Denise Williams at 314-982-1461 or