Metro Transit thanks each and everyone of you.
This has been a challenging time for our region. And through it all, you have been incredible.
Thank you for being the heroes that are keeping our region moving. And thank you for riding Metro Transit safely to help protect our team and our passengers.
It has been our honor to serve you, and we will continue to be there when you need us. Let us know how we can help get you everywhere you need to go – quickly, conveniently and safely.
314-231-2345 (phone) | 314-207-9786 (text)
Welcome Back
Welcome Back from the drivers seat. Metro Transit is here to safely get you where you need to go.
Check out our new services and features that make it even easier to get around town:
Hail a ride from your mobile device using our new on-demand transit service. Ready when you need it – no schedules required! Try it FREE through September 30.
Combine your MetroLink or MetroBus trip with special $1 Lyft rides for a quick and affordable way to get to work, home and other important destinations.
Plan your trip, track your bus, and purchase your face – all from the palm of your hand. Make your commute even easier, download Transit today.